
class indico.queries.custom_blueprint.RegisterCustomBlueprint(component_family, name, description, config, tags, footer='', icon=None, all_access=None, dataset_ids=None)

Mutation to register a custom blueprint, making it available in the gallery to add to workflows

  • component_family (ComponentFamily) – family this blueprint belongs to; supported families are Output, Filter, and Model

  • name (str) – Name of the blueprint

  • description (str) – Description of this blueprint

  • config (dict) – Blueprint configuration options

  • tags (List[str]) – (list[str]): List of tags associated with this blueprint


footer (str): Footnote for this blueprint’s description icon (str): Image to use when displaying this blueprint in the gallery. Can be the name of an Indico-provided image, or the storage location of a custom image. If left unspecified, the platform will use a default icon. all_access (bool): This blueprint can be added to all workflows dataset_ids (list[int]): This blueprint can only be added to workflows associated with these dataset ids


The newly created TaskBlueprint object

Return type
