Fetching Workflow Metrics
An example that illustrates how to fetch worklow metric data.
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List
import pandas as pd
from indico import IndicoConfig, IndicoClient
from indico.queries import ListWorkflows
from indico.queries.workflow_metrics import GetWorkflowMetrics
from indico.types.workflow_metrics import WorkflowMetrics, WorkflowMetricsOptions
"""Example 1: Fetch all metrics for a workflow"""
# Use your dataset's id to call it's associated workflow
dataset_id = 6826
my_config = IndicoConfig(
host="try.indico.io", api_token_path="./path/to/indico_api_token.txt"
client = IndicoClient(config=my_config)
# Return a list of workflows for this dataset id or an empty list if there are none
workflows = client.call(ListWorkflows(dataset_ids=[dataset_id]))
# Fetch the metrics for an associated workflow.
if workflows:
client = IndicoClient(config=my_config)
workflow_metric: List[WorkflowMetrics] = \
client.call(GetWorkflowMetrics(start_date=datetime(2021, 6, 28),
end_date=datetime.now(), workflow_ids=[workflows[0].id]))
total_subs = workflow_metric[0].submissions.aggregate
print("There have been " + str(total_subs) + " for the workflow " + str(workflow_metric[0].workflow_id) + "!")
"""Example 2: Load selected metrics into a dataframe"""
df = pd.DataFrame([{"date": x.date, "submitted": x.submitted, "completed": x.completed,
"rejected": x.rejected_in_review} for x in workflow_metric[0].submissions.daily])
df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["date"])
idx_max = df.iloc[df["submitted"].idxmax()]
print(str(idx_max["date"]) + " was the day with the most submissions: " + str(idx_max["submitted"]))
""" Example 3: Retrieve only specific metrics."""
workflow_metric: List[WorkflowMetrics] = \
start_date=datetime(2021, 6, 28),
end_date=datetime.now(), workflow_ids=[workflows[0].id]))
# Checking in the debugger shows that only this has straight_through_processing as an attribute.
stp = workflow_metric[0].straight_through_processing